Shotokan Karate History & Traditions - Updated Classic Book Randall Hassell


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PRICE: US$ 21.05
For martial arts enthusiasts and historians alike, the updated classic book "Shotokan Karate History & Traditions" by Randall Hassell is a must-have addition to any library. As the first comprehensive written history of Shotokan karate in any language, this tome presents a masterful tale of the evolution of Japan's original and largest karate style. Delve into the fascinating story of the style's founder, Gichin Funakoshi, and discover the Okinawan roots of karate, its development in Japan, and the current state of the world of Shotokan karate.

With rare and never-before-published photos, this book is a visual feast that complements the rich history and technical value of all Shotokan kata. From the origins of traditional karate styles to the genealogy of the art, Hassell's work provides an unparalleled depth of knowledge. Moreover, Gichin Funakoshi's 20 precepts are also included, offering valuable insights into the philosophy of this revered martial art. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting your karate journey, this book is an indispensable resource that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of Shotokan karate.

As the most comprehensive guide to Shotokan karate, this book is an essential resource for instructors, students, and enthusiasts. The updated edition covers recent developments in the ever-evolving art of Shotokan karate-do, making it a valuable reference for anyone seeking to stay abreast of the latest trends and advancements. With its meticulous research and engaging narrative, Hassell's work is an engaging and informative read that will captivate anyone with an interest in martial arts.

Published by Empire Books, "Shotokan Karate History & Traditions" is a testament to the publisher's commitment to producing high-quality content that resonates with enthusiasts and experts alike. With its 196 pages of rich history, stunning photography, and insightful commentary, this book is an exceptional value that will provide hours of engaging reading. Whether you're looking to explore the history of Shotokan karate or seeking a deeper understanding of the art, this book is an unbeatable resource that will exceed your expectations.

With its comprehensive scope and meticulous research, "Shotokan Karate History & Traditions" is an authoritative guide that sets a new standard for martial arts literature. By presenting the complete history of Shotokan karate in a clear and engaging manner, Hassell has created a work that will be cherished by karate enthusiasts for generations to come. From its origins in Okinawa to its global popularity today, this book tells the compelling story of Shotokan karate, making it an essential addition to any martial arts library.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of the history, philosophy, and techniques of Shotokan karate, "Shotokan Karate History & Traditions" is an indispensable resource that will enrich your appreciation of this revered martial art. With its unique blend of history, philosophy, and technical insights, this book is an unforgettable journey into the world of Shotokan karate, making it a must-read for anyone passionate about the art.